Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Police Abuse Essay

Police brutality is the excessive, unreasonable use of force against citizens, suspects, and offenders. A study showed that most citizens complained against police officers because of the use of profanity and abusive language towards them, the use of commands to move on or get home, stopping and questioning people on the street or searching them and their cars without probable cause, the use of threats to use force if not obeyed, prodding with a nightstick or approaching with a pistol, and actual use of physical force or violence itself for no reason at all. Police brutality causes a lack of communication between minority groups and the police department and a lack of trust because of previous run-ins with brutality. In some cases police brutality runs over into an officer’s personal life as well. There have been several cases where an officer is arrested due to domestic violence and leads to an investigation of their work life. Most of the time there are cover ups, when domestic disputes occur so that the department does not get negative coverage if the incident was to get out, (2002, November). Ethics are considered a structure for most departments in the United States. There are several bad apples that get greedy and are cocky at times and think that they cannot be touched if they do wrong. Police departments around the U.S. have several issues with corruption, misconduct, and brutality. Most of  the time these issues are covered up so that, these officers do not give the departments bad names and people do not trust them and they, are having more crime on their hands instead of defeating the crime. In recent years, police actions, particularly police abuse has come into view of a wide, public and critical eye. While citizens worry about protecting themselves from criminals, it has now been shown that they must also keep a watchful eye on those who are supposed to protect and serve. This paper will discuss the types of police abuse prevalent today, including the use of firearms and recovery of private information. I will also discuss what and how citizens’ rights are taken advantage of by the police. Some measures necessary to protect ourselves from police taking advantage of their positions as law enforcement officers with greater permissive rights than private citizens. All citizens must take affirmative actions from physical brutality, rights violations, and information abuse. Members of the police force are government officials who enforce the law and maintain order. They are engaged in dangerous and stressful occupation that can involve violent situations that must be controlled. In many of these confrontations with the public it may become necessary for the police to administer force in order to take control of the situation. As unfortunate as it may seem however, police officers are injuring and even killing people through the use of excessive force and brutal treatment. In regard to police abuse, there will be many officers who feel that their job of fighting escalating street crime, gangs, narcotics violations, and other violent crimes is difficult already, to such an extent that worrying about excessive policy for abuse behavior will only further decrease their ability to fight crime effectively, efficiently, and safely. This abuse must be monitored so that police do not forget who they are serving; not themselves, but the public. This means that even the criminals, who are a part of the public, have certain rights, accurately identified as civil rights. One of the main police abuse problems is physical brutality. I think that there should be some kind of written policy that would restrict physical force to the narrowest possible range of specific situations. For example, there should be limitations on the use of hand to hand combat, batons, mace, stun  guns and firearms. However, limiting policies actions will bring much debate, especially from police officers and administrators themselves. Many feel that their firepower is already too weak to battle the weapons that criminals have out on the streets, thus limiting their legality of gun use will not only endanger them, but the innocent bystanders who must endure the hierarchy gun power creates in the benefit of criminals. In simple terms, corruption in policing is usually viewed as the misuse of authority by a police officer acting to fulfill personal needs or wants. For a corrupt act to occur, three distinct elements of police corruption must be present simultaneously: Misuse of authority, Misuse of official capacity, Misuse of personal attainment, (Kornblum 1976: p 71). It has been said that power inevitably leads to corruption, and it is yet to be recognized that , while there is no reason to suppose that policemen as individuals are any less fallible than other members of society, people are often shocked and outraged when policemen are exposed to violating the law. Not only should officers use brutality in very limited situations, I think that it would help requiring officers to file a written report after any use of physical force, regardless of how seemingly insignificant. Although, if every incidence of police abuse was requested to be reported, how many actually would be? Maybe only those serious enough, as depicted in new guidelines, would make it, leaving some space for officers to exert pressure without crossing serious and abusive policy. Another good tactic to control police brutality is to establish a system to identify officers who have been involved in an inordinate number of incidents that include the inappropriate use of physical fo rce. The incidents should then be investigated. For those offices who are frequently involved in unnecessary police brutality, they should be charged, disciplined, re-trained, and offered counseling. If such treatment proves ineffective, officers who violate abuse standards should be brought up on review before an administrative board made up of citizens and police officials. Officers will most likely ask, â€Å"Is identifying abusive officers a  form of prejudice? The police officer is there to serve and protect the public who pays his or her salary. The officer should then be subject to any investigations into his or her abusive actions on the job. Yet even if internal policy and external government supervision is successful, it is difficult to say how the ethics of police officers will affect abuse policy as they are based on personal background and upbringing that have little to do with the issue at hand. While there are specific solutions to brutality and rights abuse, there are also some general solutions that could be implemented before the problems even arise. For example, there should be changes in police officer training. Some communities have demanded their officers receive higher education. However, there is no proof that well-educated officers rely less on abuse and more on departmentally sound investigation techniques. The length of training of police personnel should be increased, as has been the recent trend throughout the years. â€Å"The average length of police academy programs has more than doubled, from about 300, to over 600 hours; in some cities, 900 up to even 1200 hours has become the new rule.† (Silverman 1999: p 124) As the time devoted to training has increased, the institutions should also stress the importance of the growing trends in criminal activity so that they are prepared to deal with them. These include such areas as race relations, domestic violence, handling the mentally ill, and so on. This will, in turn, enable operations run more smoothly, hopefully avoiding police abuse problems in the future. Methods must be implemented which effectively deal with police who tend to cross the line, from simple situations to serious firearm use or prejudice. Some of the solutions, particularly the policy changes, will be met with controversy and will be difficult to implement. Keeping track of police actions is the next step in self-protection. There have been thousands of reported incidents of police misconduct in the countless cities throughout the nation, and probably thousands more that transpire without any mention. Law enforcement officers in the United States have been granted powerful authority to assist them in serving and protecting the people of this country. Many of them use their authority to uphold their duties with honor and  integrity. However, the abuses of these powers are taking place with more and more frequency. The police scandals that have surfaced within the past decade have been multiplying. If drastic measures are not taken to restore the integrity of the United States Law Enforcement, chaos will permeate throughout the nation. As citizens begin to lose their trust for law enforcement, they will gradually lose their trust in the â€Å"system†. While the threat of a world war has diminished, the violence on the streets across America has increased at a dramatic rate. Police are forced to face this violence and are sometimes caught up in the same violent and abusive cycle whole trying to fight it. Citizens realize that there are limits as to what a police officer can do. To make society a safe place for both citizens and officers, it is imperative that they work together for a comprehensive checks and balances system. The United States Constitution guarantees certain rights for everyone, and is the very backbone of this country. If these rights are to be ignored, either through permissive laws enacted by law enforcement against private citizens, or through a lack of maintenance of existing protective legislation, private citizens; which means the entire country, will become paralyzed. Because of this, the opportunity and freedom which this country is built on must be enforced, and those charged with doing so must not abuse their power. References (2002, December) Police Corruption, word-slash-word police_corruption.htm (2002, November) Addressing police misconduct, (2002, November) Police brutality: the cop crimes homepage for law enforcement and government corruption, http://www.copcrimes.comword-slashwordhomepage.htm Alpert, Geoffrey P., Dunham Roger G. Police Use of Deadly Force. Washington D.C.: Police Executive Research Forum, 1995. Chevigny, Paul. Police Power. Toronto: Random House, 1994. Cohen, Henry. Brutal Justice. New York: John Jay Press, 1980. Kornblum, Alan N. The Moral Hazards. New York: D.C. Heath, 1976. Silverman, Eli B. NYPD Battles Crime. Boston: Northeastern Univ. Press, 1999.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Biofuels Will Give Greater Energy Efficiency Environmental Sciences Essay

Biofuel refers to any solid, liquid or gas fuel that has been derived from biomass.1 Biofuels are renewable fuels derived from vegetable affair. It can be produced from any C beginning that is easy to stock up, such as workss. Alternative fuel beginnings such as biofuels are attractive because they can be developed and they are more sustainable, cost-effectively and renewable energy. Biofuels will give greater energy efficiency and alterations in life styles. Biofuels have become chief concern issue in Brazil, the US, the European Union every bit good as many other states around the universe, due to concerns of oil dependance and involvement in cut downing CO2 emanations. All these parts have had important subsidies or authorizations for renewable energy production from agricultural beginnings. The most common schemes used to bring forth biofuel used for transit are: Grow workss – Plants that of course produce oils include oil thenar, Jatropha, soya bean and algae. When heated opposition ( viscousness ) is reduced they can be burned within a diesel engine or they can be processed to organize biodiesel1. Grow sugar harvests or starch – These include sugar cane, sugar Beta vulgaris, maize and corn which are so turned into ethyl alcohol through the procedure of barm agitation 1. Forests – By-products from forests can be converted into biofuels including methyl alcohol, ethyl alcohol and woodgas1. In Brazil, ethyl alcohol is produced chiefly from sugar cane get downing during the 1970s in order to cut down dependance on foreign oil2. However, the ethyl alcohol industry had a reverse in the 1990s due to inexpensive petroleum oil. When oil monetary values began to surge once more in the recent old ages, ethyl alcohol became a more attractive option to gasoline, aided by the launch of flex-fuel vehicles ( FFVs ) in 2003 3. Brazil has a comparative advantage in bring forthing ethyl alcohol, chiefly due to its handiness of land and its favorable clime for sugarcane cultivation. There are many different biofuels available in the UK. One of the most common worldwide is E10 fuel, which is really a mixture of 10 % ethyl alcohol and 90 % petroleum1.AdvantagesBiofuels cut down nursery gas emanations when compared to conventional conveyance fuels. Harmonizing to a technique called Life Cycle Analysis first coevals biofuels can salvage up to 60 % of C emanations compared to fossil fuels1. This was backed by a recent UK Government publication which stated biofuels can cut down emanations by 50-60 % . This is because the C dioxide they release when burnt is equal to the sum that the workss absorbed out of the ambiance. Therefore, they do n't lend to planetary heating and besides emit less particulate pollution than other fuels, particularly Diesel. However, it does necessitate some fuel to power the machinery on the farms where biofuels are produced. With gasoline monetary values on the rise, replacing crude oil with a renewable energy beginning should besides offer important nest eggs at the pump in the long term ; peculiarly when biofuels are more readily available and Biofuels are besides cheaper than fossil fuels. Many authoritiess are now offering revenue enhancement inducements to purchase greener autos that run on biofuels. This one of the brinies grounds production of biofuels is increasing. Another advantage is that biofuels are assisting to undertake poorness around the universe. For illustration Brazil invested to a great extent in ethanol production during the energy crisis of 1970s and now has one of the universe ‘s most advanced production and distribution systems3. This has increased economic growing, increased employment chances and besides positive consequence on energy monetary values, as grounds to endorse biofuel production. This is nevertheless debated due to the force per unit areas it places on agricultural resources but biodiesel could be a long term solution as it uses simpler engineering and lower transit costs aboard increased labor. Other advantages are: Does n't necessitate any extremist alterations to exchange to the usage of biofuels- unlike the troubles in exchanging to other renewable energy beginnings such as solar and wind power. Reduce dependance on foreign oils. Oil fluctuates in monetary value quickly, so altering to biofuels will assist buffer against the alteration. Ethanol is really cheap to bring forth. Can assist forestall engine knocking. The nascent U.S. biofuel industry has late begun a period of rapid growing. Over the past decennary biofuel production has been turning both in absolute footings and as a per centum of the gasolene and Diesel fuel pools. High universe oil monetary values, steadfast authorities support, turning environmental and energy security concerns, and the handiness of low-priced maize and soya bean feedstocks provide favorable market conditions for biofuels. Ethanol, in peculiar, has been buoyed by the demand to replace the octane and clean-burning belongingss of MTBE, which has been removed from gasolene because of concerns about groundwater taint.DisadvantagesBiodiversity – A fright among conservationists is that by accommodating more land to bring forth harvests for biofuels, more home grounds will be lost for animate beings and wild workss. It is feared for illustration, that some Asiatic states will give their rain forests to construct more oil plantations4. Many first coevals biofuels are non sustainable. It is necessary to make sustainable biofuel production that does non impact nutrient production, and that does n't do environmental jobs. Another concern is that if biofuels become moneymaking for husbandmans, they may turn harvests for biofuel production alternatively of nutrient production. Less nutrient production will increase monetary values and do a rise in rising prices. The impact is peculiarly high in developing states and it is estimated that around 100million people are at hazard due to the nutrient monetary value additions. By and large Life Cycle Analysis probes showed that the combustion of biofuels well reduces nursery gas emanations when compared to petroleum and diesel. However, in 2007 a survey was published by scientists from Britain, the USA, Germany and Austria which reported the combustion of rapeseed or maize can lend every bit much to azotic oxide emanations than chilling through fossil fuel savings1. In dumbly populated states such as the Netherlands, there is non adequate infinite to turn biofuels for the whole economic system, even if the full land surface would be used. This besides means that biofuels have to vie with alternate land utilizations such as nutrient production. The overall cost of doing biofuels is in fact a batch more so it would be to utilize natural beginnings such as air current turbines or things of that nature as a signifier of renewable energy. William claude dukenfields have to be tilled, and harvests have to be grown harvested and so fire in order to give off the needed energy. The production of non-sustainable biofuels has been criticised in studies by the UN, the IPCC and many other environmental and societal groups. As a consequence many authoritiess have switched their support towards sustainable biofuels, and options such as H and compressed air1. Other disadvantages Our technological procedures to bring forth biofuels are manner excessively dearly-won for us to be able to afford on a monolithic graduated table. We still need one million millions of dollars of research money into holding a fabrication procedure that will bring forth them at a cheaper rate. We still do n't hold anyplace near the sum of biofuel converted autos to be able to take advantage of this fuel beginning. We will necessitate to put millions of dollars to alter the car substructure to let us to take advantage of this amazing natural fuel. Once we are able to construct big fabrication workss we will necessitate to happen a manner to cover with the really bad odor that is the result of the biofuel production rhythm and big towns will non desire to set up with this bad olfactory property produced. On one manus they massively cut down C emanations and can assist you salvage hard currency excessively ; but on the other manus they could negatively impact the home ground of many species and are n't needfully energy efficient at the production phase.Political and environmental factorsInitially authoritiess in North America have supported the development and commercialization of engineering to bring forth ethyl alcohol from grains, particularly maize, over several old ages. A advisers ‘ study to the Ontario ministry of energy found that, while the usage of ethyl alcohol from corn as a conveyance fuel could cut down C02 emanations and support husbandmans, authorities ‘s subsidies and regulative support would be needed in the initial phases of programme. Harmonizing to this survey ethyl alcohol installations combined with cowss feedlots could accomplish fiscal break-even if big graduated table workss are successfully developed. Biofuels were found to hold an of import part to do in the context of the European Union ‘s agricultural policy and trade dialogues. The production and usage of woody biomass is found to offer the greatest benefits, production of liquid fuels from cultivable harvests is besides treated favorably. Government are now stating experiences in the U.S. and Brazil now suggest that bing biofuels production installations are responsible for the coevals of a scope of new air and water-related jobs every bit good as recent concerns over human wellness.Biodiesel advantagesBiodiesel is a fuel derived from vegetable oils or animate being fats that can be used either as a replacing for crude oil Diesel or blended with crude oil Diesel for usage in a standard Diesel engine. About 100,000 metric tons of used cookery oil and 230,000 metric tons of tallow are collected in the UK each twelvemonth and would otherwise be incinerated, put in landfill or exported. The usage of biodiesel can widen the life of Diesel engines because it is more lubricating than crude oil Diesel, while fuel ingestion, car ignition, power end product, and engine torsion are comparatively unaffected by biodiesel. Biodiesel is safe to manage and transport because it is every bit biodegradable as sugar, 10 times less toxic than table salt, and has a high flash point compared to petroleum Diesel With a much higher flash point than it is for petro-diesel, biodiesel is classified as a non-flammable liquid by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. This belongings makes a vehicle fuelled by pure biodiesel far safer in an accident than one powered by crude oil Diesel. Biodiesel are biodegradable, non-toxic and renewable. The usage of biodiesel will besides cut down the undermentioned emanations: Carbon monoxide, ozone forming hydrocarbons, harzardous Diesel particulates of solid burning merchandises, acerb rain- causation sulfur dioxide, and lifecycle C dioxide Biodiesel has about the same MPG ( mile per gallon ) evaluation as petrodiesel Biodiesel readily blends and corsets blended with petrodiesel. Biodiesel disadvantages Transportation & A ; storage of biodiesel require particular direction. Some belongingss of biodiesel make it unwanted for usage at high concentrations. For illustration, pure biodiesel does n't flux good at low temperatures, which can do jobs for clients with out-of-door storage armored combat vehicles in colder climes. A related disadvantage is that biodiesel, because of its nature, ca n't be transported in grapevines. It has to be transported by truck or rail, which increases the cost. Biodiesel is less suited for usage in low temperatures, than petrodiesel. At lower temperatures, the fuel becomes a gel that can non be pumped. The â€Å" pour point † is the temperature below which the fuel will non flux. As the cloud and pour points for biodiesel are higher than those for crude oil Diesel, the public presentation of biodiesel in cold conditions is markedly worse than that of crude oil Diesel. Another disadvantage of biodiesel is that it tends to cut down fuel economic system.

Mobile Phones Essay

Mobile phones have had such a large impact in our modern twenty-first century societies, that they have become part and parcel of our daily lives. Nowadays, it has become the norm in our towns and villages to see people who are busy tapping on their cell phones. Mobile phones have changed the way people communicate. These devices are carried anywhere people go because they are light and easy to carry around, such that everyone is constantly in touch with others. This is very different from when home and work telephones were the only means of communication. Nowadays, people can call each other using their mobile phones wherever they are as long as there is reception, regardless of the country they are in. This can be life-saving when emergency calls are needed, while also very useful to communicate with work colleagues, family and friends. Furthermore, mobile phones have also given birth to text messages, which are found to be more convenient than phone calls, because they can be answered at the receiver’s convenience without being disturbed. Read more:Â  Essay on Use of Mobile Phones by Students Smart phones are the latest kind of mobile devices, which have been available for only a couple of years. These phones continue to enhance our communication, mainly by using the internet for third party services, such as chatting and social networking sites. Moreover, these phones can be used for a multitude of other things, such that they are able to have the function of a computer, a music player, a camera, a video camera, a gaming console and a diary, among other uses. Mobile phones have also been of a disadvantage to their users. People in modern societies are often found to be addicted to their cell phones. They check if they have any new message over and over again, even when they are out with their friends or when they are on a date. Firstly, this obsession shows lack of manners because mobile phones are given more importance than the person in front of them. Secondly, this lack of priorities can often be dangerous, for example while driving. The latest smart phones could be very expensive. Even though there are a variety of affordable cell phones and smart phones, some people, most often youths, spend hundreds of Euros every year to buy the latest smart phone, although having only a small improvement over the previous one. Generally, this is a result of persuasive and costly advertising made by giant manufacturers. Furthermore, this has also been a common subject for bullying in schools. Mobile phones have obviously made people’s work and personal life much easier. As long as these are used with caution and moderation, cell phones do not have any particular negative impact on people’s lifestyle and health.

Monday, July 29, 2019

The Peer- Reviewed Journal Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Peer- Reviewed Journal - Research Paper Example This journal admits that supply chain management is a business philosophy that deals with all activities in the business. The main emphasis here is teamwork for both the customers and the suppliers to achieve the competition available in the market  (Beamon, 1999). The capacity of this journal involves wide coverage on all the aspects of the delivery process, and theoretical contributions from the social sciences relating to the developed and the developing countries. This journal is unique as compared to other journals. It is based on covering marketing, logistics, information technology, management, and organizational behavior in relation to the chains of supply in all sectors. This journal aims at promoting the development and completion of supply chain systems, which accomplish higher levels of service and savings in costs. The key benefits of this journal involve seeking a promotion of dialogue between academics and business members in the supply   chain management field The journal promotes awareness of new theoretical initiatives in the community. It creates a forum where academics can present their ideas. Its coverage involves contractual relationships; data interchange, efficient consumer response, logistics, organizational behavior, and risk management (Lohman et al., 2004). This journal is beneficial to academics and the libraries, industries, manufacturing companies, service industries like IT, transport and distribution, and the provision of public services such as health care and defense.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Marketing Mauritius Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 8000 words

Marketing Mauritius - Essay Example al visitor arrivals throughout the world stood at 860 million, which stands to be more, then the total population of Europe and the US taken together. The businessmen, governments, financial experts and economists do testify to the immense potential of the tourism industry in uplifting the quality of life in the developing nations. It is a hassle free way of transporting the resources and foreign exchange from the developed world to the developing world. Mauritius is a volcanic island surrounded by coral reefs that lies in the Indian Ocean, about 800 Km to the east of Madagascar. Various favourable factors like the usage of English and French as the local languages, a stable democratic political system, an impressively high rate of literacy and an abundance of the natural beauty make Mauritius an ideal tourist destination. This dissertation delves into the international, commercial and economic dimensions of the tourism in Mauritius so as to have an insight into the advantages that Mauritius commands as a preferred tourist destination and to suggest positive strategies for marketing Mauritius amongst the international tourist community. Though tourism as an industry has distinct psychological, international, political and economic dimensions, it will be pragmatic to analyse the case of Mauritius as a tourist destination from an economic vantage. This approach becomes more expedient, considering the ongoing economic meltdown and the difficulties being faced by the developing nations like Mauritius in marketing themselves as tourist destinations. Thus the role of tourism in the Mauritius’ economy needs to be looked in, in a broader perspective. Hence, it will be utterly imperative to correlate the relevance and significance of tourism in Mauritius with the conclusions of The Manila Deceleration on World Tourism, finalized at the World Tourism Conference held at Manila in September 1980, which witnessed the participation of the delegates of more then 107

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Latin american history Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Latin american history - Essay Example analysis of the political and economic history of Columbia, Cuba, and Mexico, this essay demonstrates that the flawed economic policies of the countries are predominantly at fault. In Latin America, the 1980’s are referred to as ‘Decada de aprendizaje doloroso’ , or the decade of painful experiences. Nowhere were these experiences more evident than in Columbia. According to David Robinson, â€Å"economic problems†¦had a significant impact on the political systems in the region. Elected governments still tend to support their own interests or those of elite groups (Robinson).† The government had increasing levels of foreign debt, which forced them to devalue the currency repeatedly. People from rural areas became poorer. Even the resource-rich Columbia faced internal problems of guerrillas and the drug cartels. According to a May 8, 1990 Time magazine article, kidnapping and murder of political aspirants became a routine affair carried out by the drug cartels, in order to influence the outcome of the elections. According to the magazine, 503 people were murdered and 18 kidnapped in a single week in May. From the United States per spective, Columbia is of national importance because of its geographic location and natural resources Although Columbia is an ally of the United States, 90% of the illegal cocaine in the United States comes from Columbia, which has still not become a safe place. Fighting continues between the armed groups maintained by the drug cartels and the government forces. A United Nations report indicates that â€Å"2 million people have been displaced because of armed conflict in Columbia† this year. Most of the internally displaced persons were Afro-Columbians, who fled because they were frightened of the fighting between the Columbian army and the armed groups operating near the Atrato river in north-western Columbia. Although a determined effort by the government to overcome the drug cartels has resulted in a semblance of order in

Friday, July 26, 2019

Policies of Sustainable Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Policies of Sustainable Development - Essay Example As the paper stressesthe Nepal’s policy principles entail varying aspects that are all aimed at various different aspects. First, the Nepal water policy is decentralized with the minor policies contributing to the major policy but not contradicting the major policy. The Nepal Water Resource conservation strategies have the objective of sustainability, and the only way Nepal aims to sustain the existence of their water resources is by allowing participatory leadership in the policies involving water services. This case study has noted Nepal as a nation with sustainable policies regarding the use of water resources. In most cases, policies that cover wider geographic areas have a huge probability of failures. The United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED) policies, for instance, cover most nations of the world. What the United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development does not understand is that even though globalization has brought a great similarity to the way people undertake tasks, people rarely detach themselves from their own cultures. The use of water resources is considered as a diverse aspect of many cultures. It is therefore effective to create policies that are relevant to the target population.  The major source of electric power as of today in the United States is water.   It is, therefore, inevitable that major policies had to be enacted to protect the huge number of American citizens from running out of this precious resource.     

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Establish the topic from the paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Establish the topic from the paper - Essay Example This reflects cowardice on the behalf of the chosen figures since no one has the courage to take responsibility for their actions. The author places a fraction of the blame on the media since they have the power to change the views and even desires of the masses. They go to the extent of digging up black patches from the history of the individuals who fall on their agenda of getting defamed, while the figures who are favored by them (for some reason) are linked with the hopes and happiness of the nation. The representatives of the parliament are equipped with the power to give their opinions on every matter that is raised in the respective decision making body. The author rightly raises the issue that the intellect and expertise of these individuals is naturally limited to a few fields of life. They might not be familiar with the technicalities of many fields of life but they are granted the right to make a decision about it. This threatens the stability and progress of the bodies fo r which the decision is being taken for. Matters are discussed as if they are a part of a game or race, whereas they should be dealt with productive discussions about the details and repercussions of the solution.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Fish Killing Algae Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Fish Killing Algae - Essay Example The specific consideration within the article is ten fish mortality events that occurred, primarily involving Atlantic menhaden fish, between July through September 2000 in Delaware, USA. While thermal imaging revealed the occurrence of harmful algae during the 1987 North Carolina incident, such imaging was not successful in detecting elements of the 2000 occurrences. Still, a variety of boaters and residents from the area consistently reported the occurrence of the harmful toxins. There were approximately 2 million dead fish identified in one region, Bald Creek. These fish were examined and they revealed no major lesions. The reason given for the death of these fish was attributed to a lack of dissolved oxygen in the water. While a lack of dissolved oxygen was given as a major consideration in the fish deaths, further examination was conducted. Samples from two of these events were sent to a laboratory for analysis. These samples were taken on August 17th and August 18th. Both of these samples were examined within a twenty-hour period following their extraction. In addition to these samples, live samples were extracted at a later period. The collection of the samples were sent to the Center for Marine Science (CMS) and examined. Ultimately, the complete set of these samples were archived, including both preserved and unpreserved sampled. This constituted the first stage of the analysis. This analysis demonstrated that in addition to the low dissolved oxygen rates there was a phytoplankton bloom dominated by Chattonella cf. verruculosa. Still, the samples from the DNREC area that were collected did not demonstrate the presence of toxic species.The next stage of the research implemented microscopic examin ation of the samples from the fish kill site. These examinations demonstrated that the fish contained a single-cell Raphidophyte alga Chattonella cf. verruculosa. Additionally, naturally occurring brevetoxins were detected in the microscopic fish samples. The next stage of the investigation involved chromatographic, immunochemical, and spectroscopic analyses. These analyses confirmed the presence of brevetoxins. Notably, this was the first confirmed report of these toxins in the area. The analyses continued testing the water for the presence of these materials. By October the study revealed that there was no longer a presence of verruculosa in the area. These findings demonstrated that it is necessary to continually monitor the waters as a means of ensuring they are free from harmful brevetoxins.

EU institutional law and policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

EU institutional law and policy - Essay Example 10 new countries that acceded to the European Union in 2004 (Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic, the Slovak Republic, Slovenia, the Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, and the Mediterranean islands of Malta and Cyprus), all intend to join third stage of the EMU in the next ten years, though their precise timing depends on various economic factors. Similarly, those countries who are currently negotiating for entry will also take the euro as their currency in the years following their accession. Prior to adopting the euro, a member state has to have its currency in the European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM II) for two years. Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Slovenia and Slovakia are the current participants in the exchange rate mechanism"(Economic and Monetary Union of the European Union,, referred on 06.05.2006)1 The main objective of the euro is to maintain price stability within the European Union, and at the same time support EU general economic policies, such as the principle of an open market economy, with free competition. "Within fiscal policy, the euro area countries must manage public finances so as to guarantee a sustainable growth, as envisaged in the EU Treaty. A Stability and Growth Pact was adopted, through which all Member States acknowledged the need of a sound fiscal policy for the smooth functioning of the EMU. The Pact comprises three legally binding elements: A resolution passed by the European Council that lays down a firm commitment of its Member States, Commission and the Council to implement the Stability and Growth Pact. A Council regulation that calls for the strengthening of the surveillance of all budgetary positions and co-ordination of economic policies. The key features of these programmes are the specification of national medium- term budgetary targets set close to balance or in surplus. This allows countries to pursue anti-cyclical fiscal policies without breaching the 3% reference value of the deficit. The Stability and Growth Pact is a Council regulation on speeding up and clarifying the implementation of the excessive deficit procedure. If there are no exceptional circumstances and the deficit is considered excessive, the Council will immediately issue a recommendation to the Member State concerned. A maximum of four months is then allowed for the country to take effective action to correct the situation. If the Council considers that the measures are not effective, the next step of the procedure will be engaged" (Stability and Growth Pact,, referred on 06.05.2006)2 As trade between the EU Member States mounted, the member states found EMU as the natural complement of the single

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Problem solving and discusion making Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Problem solving and discusion making - Essay Example The company’s management has been active in finding solution to counteract the ramifications associated with these restrictions by applying the problem solving procedure to identify and provide solutions to the current problem. Emirates Airline is one of the most reputable companies in the world that have experienced success. The government of Dubai, which is part of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) owns and controls the Emirates Airlines (Ibrahim, 2005). Traffic control for airlines is one major problem affecting Emirates Airline. It is necessary for air travelling has to be strictly controlled and properly managed for effective service provision (Michael, 2010). There are countries that restrict other airlines from accessing their air space. The reason for this would be to avoid cases of insecurity and reduce congestion in their airspace. Emirates Airline is one of the airline companies facing a similar problem. Canada, for example, has denied Emirates Airline access into its airports. Emirates Airline aims at being a global company serving clients from all over the world. This goal, however, is faced with a major setback due to traffic control issues. Traffic control issues deny the airline an opportunity to compete globally with other airlines that are not subjected to similar problems. Emirates Airline makes losses due to lack of access to airspaces in other international countries such as Canada. There are clients who are loyal to Emirates Airline because of its quality services; these clients, however, end up failing to enjoy the services of the airline due to restricted landing in some countries. The consequence of this constitutes Emirates Airline losing some of its clients to other travel companies that have access to the restricted zones. This implies that traffic control issues leads to the company losing its global competitive edge to other airlines. Accessibility to all regions of the world is a critical element in success of any

Monday, July 22, 2019

Personal Leadership Plan Essay Example for Free

Personal Leadership Plan Essay Aspiring to be a Life Coach upon receiving my degree in Human Services, I have chosen to write about the roles of Life Coaches and a projected practice I aspire to one day develop or be a part of. Throughout this personal leadership plan, I will include keys points of interest of a Life Coach; objectives, values, and ethics I personally feel should be incorporated, as well as the role ethics play within the profession of Life Coaching. Coaches work in a variety of specializations (such as personal/life and corporate/business) in order to help their clients. Coaches are specifically trained in coaching through a school or mentor coach, and use/incorporate their individual life experience in their practice. Although each coach measures their progress differently, achievement is always measured by progress made by the coaches’ clients. Due to the personal nature of most coaching relationships, this Ethics Code provides the framework and values upon which professional coaches, base their practice. The purposes of this Code are threefold. First, it provides the broad principles and values to which coaches subscribe. These include confidentiality and the utmost concern for the welfare and success of the client. Secondly, it provides rules for coaches to use in many of the specific situations that a coach might encounter. Finally, this Code is meant to serve as a building block for the ethical and moral standards of coaches. While each individual coach agrees to follow this Code, they are encouraged to supplement and add to it in order to build a lifelong commitment to building an ethical workplace and profession. -Objectives- The primary objective of my life coaching practice would be as follows: 1. Provide a means for individual students and clients to evaluate their own ethical standards and behaviors and make adjustments if necessary to meet the established standards. 2. Provide a means for participants of the life coaching practice programs to evaluate the standards and practices used by their students and clients and to validate that participants are receiving professional and ethically soun d training  and development. 3. Provide a means for the life coaching practice to evaluate the standards and behaviors of students and clients to ensure a high ethical standard is being met. 4. Provide a means to educate the public and to promote the high ethical standards practiced by members of the life coaching practice. -Values- The profession of Life Coaching holds respect for the worth, dignity and capability of every human being as its primary value. Therefore, my life coaching practice shall not discriminate against anyone on the basis of race, color, language, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, physical and mental ability, economic condition or national ancestry. Furthermore, they shall work towards preventing and eliminating such discrimination in rendering service, in work assignments and in employment practices. The profession of Life Coaching affirms that all people have the right to well-being. In addition, all people have the right to learn the skills necessary for the development of human relationships and that each person has the right to self-determination with due regard to the rights of others. -Purpose for Code of Ethics- †¢ To define accepted/acceptable behaviors; †¢ To promote high standards of practice; †¢ To provide a benchmark for visitors, members and students to use for self evaluation; †¢ To establish a framework for professional behavior and responsibilities; †¢ As a vehicle for personal identity; †¢ As a mark of personal maturity; -Responsibility of Confidentiality- The commitment to confidentiality fosters open communication and is essential to effective Life Coaching work. Concerns about privacy and confidential matters can arise throughout the entire professional relationship. -Responsibility to Self- In private life or professional activity, an individual of the Life Coaching practices behavior reflects upon the profession as a whole. -Responsibility to Group and Individuals- Life Coaches should recognize their primary professional responsibility under all circumstances is to the  group and individuals they are serving. Life Coaches should recognize that they bear a considerable social responsibility because their recommendations and professional actions influence the lives of others. -Responsibility to the Profession- The Life Skills profession has a public responsibility to provide competent coaching services. Therefore, individual Life Coaches are encouraged to support and uphold ethical standards and behavior.   -Responsibility to the Community- As Life Coaches are viewed as role models in the communities in which they live and serve, their integrity and behavior reflect upon the profession as a whole. In closing, the profession of Life Coaching is one in which is rich with ethical and moral influence. It should be the Life Coaches primary concern and intent to deliver the utmost level of ethically, morally, and lawfully driven and derived advice and assistance to each and every client he/she works with. It is important to remember, that all lives deserve and have the right to receive the same level of value and respect. It is also vital to remember everyone is an individual, and should be treated as such. Each client as well as the past and present situations they have/are experiencing are unique, therefore there is not just one way to coach all clients.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

An Introduction To Cryptology Computer Science Essay

An Introduction To Cryptology Computer Science Essay Cryptography was used only for military and diplomatic communication until the development of public key cryptography. Secrecy is one of most important requirement for any communication and it becomes more important when the content of communication is for military and diplomatic purpose. Hieroglyphs used by Egyptians are earliest known example of cryptography in 1900 BC. These hieroglyphics were used to write the stories of the life of kings and describe the great acts of his life. Around 500 BC Hebrew scholars used mono alphabetic substitution cipher such as Atbash cipher. Around 400 BC the Spartans also developed a Scytale cipher that used ribbons of parchment for writing any secret message after wrapping it around a cylindrical rod named as Scytale. In second century BC Greek historian Polybius invented Polybius Square a type of substitution ciphers. Around 1st century BC the Roman emperor Julius Ceaser used the substitution cipher named after him as Ceaser Cipher. The Caesar Cipher is a Monoalphabetic type Cipher. Around 9th century AD the Arab Mathematician AbÃ…Â « YÃ…Â «suf YaÊ »qÃ…Â «b ibn Isà ¡Ã‚ ¸Ã‚ ¥Ãƒâ€žÃ‚ q al-KindÄ « popularly known as Al-Kindi published the first text book on cryptnalysis of ciphers named Risalah fi Istikhraj al-Muamma (On Deciphering Cryptographic Messages). This book can be stated as the pioneer of the medieval cryptography. In this book Al-Kindi described the frequency analysis technique for deciphering substitution ciphers and some polyalphabetic substitution ciphers. The relative frequency of symbols is used in Frequency analysis to decode the message. Al-Kindi used this technique on Quran to understand the meaning for religious purpose. The field of cryptography had not made any significant development until 15th century when the Italian mathematician Leon Battista Alberti known as The Father of Western Cryptology, developed the concept of polyalphabetic substitution. Although he had not made any practical cipher but by using this concept a practical Poly-Alphabetic substitution cryptographic system was developed by French cryptographer BLAISE DE VIGENERE, which was named after him and called as VIGENERE SQUARE. For a long time this cipher was believed to be secure but around 1854, CHARLES BABBAGE, an English mathematician and engineer, better known as father of Computer Science for his development work of difference engine that become the first mechanical computer, successfully cracked the Vigenere Square Cipher by using the method of statistical analysis. Cryptography was widely used in World War I and II. The most famous incident of World War I is of German foreign Minister Zimmerman Telegram that changed the whole World War I and involved the America in world war which was neutral till that date and Germany was finally defeated. Unlike the past cryptographic algorithms in which the main concentration was on hiding the algorithm or technique the modern ciphers needed the technique or algorithm which can be widely used and whose security should not be compromised if the algorithm is known. To encrypt and decrypt the information, a key is used in modern cryptographic algorithms which convert the message and data in such format which are senseless to the receiver through encryption and then return them to the original form through decryption process. Claude E. Shannon, father of modern cryptography has contributed his work to cryptography in the form of A mathematical theory of cryptography and A Communications Theory of Secrecy Systems which are considered as the foundation of modern cryptography. In seventies the field of cryptography has witnessed two major developments. First was the development of Data Encryption Standard (DES) by IBM, which was accepted as standard after some modification by the NSA in 1977 and it was later replaced by the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) in 2001. The second development which is more important and that changed the whole working process and use of cryptography is the development of Public Key Cryptography. It was started with the publication of the paper titled New Directions in Cryptography, by Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman and similar development made by Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir and Leonard Adleman, who were the first to publicly describe the algorithm in 1977 and it was named after them as RSA algorithm. An Introduction to Cryptology: The word cryptology is a combination of two greek words, kryptos, which means hidden and logos means study. Cryptology is as old as writing itself and it has been primarily for thousands of years it had been used for securing military and diplomatic communications. The field of Cryptology can be further classified into two main fields, namely: Cryptography and Cryptanalysis. On the one hand the cryptographers try to develop a system or algorithm that will be safe and secure for communication while on the other hand the cryptanalysts seek weaknesses in the developed system and try to breach the security of the system. The two works can be considered against each other but the work of cryptanalysts cannot be always negative and they can work for the betterment of the developed system by trying to find out the weaknesses in the cryptographic algorithm and fix it. Cryptography: Cryptography is the technique for writing secretly so that the unintended recipients cannot comprehend the original message. It transforms the information into such an unintelligible form so that illegitimate or unintended users cannot devise the original meaning of the message and it looks like a garbage value for them. But the main consideration during the transformation is that the process must be reversible so that the intended user can get the original information after applying the original key and process. This is the traditional use of cryptography but in modern times the scope of cryptography has widened. Cryptanalysis: Cryptanalysis is the field of study that deals with the techniques that verify and assert the security of the protocol or system. The objective of the cryptanalysis techniques is to assess the security claims of the cryptographic algorithm or system. Cryptanalysts try to develop an attack to show that claimed security level is not achieved due to weaknesses in the cryptographic system. It is difficult to define when a cryptosystem is broken. Generally, efficiency of an attack is compared with the efficiency of exhaustive key search attack and if the efficiency of attack is less than it then it is considered an attack on the cryptographic system. Classification of attacks can be made on the basis of the amount of information available to attacker: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Ciphertext-only attack: The attacker has access to the ciphertext only. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Known-plaintext attack: In this case the attacker has access to both the plaintext and the corresponding ciphertext. This attack can be employed when the attacker has limited access to the encrypting device. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Chosen-Plaintext attack: The attacker selects a plaintext and generates corresponding ciphertext using the correct key. This can only be applied if the attacker has access to encryption device and is able to encrypt a message of choice using this device. The goal of such type of attack is to discover the secret key or algorithm for any given encrypted text. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Chosen-Ciphertext attack: The attacker selects a ciphertext and generates corresponding plaintext using the correct key. This can only be possible if the attacker has access to decryption device and is able to decrypt a message of choice using this device. The goal of such type of attack is also to discover the secret key or algorithm for any given encrypted text. The goals of such attacks in general can be classified as secret key recovery, plaintext recovery without recovering the key or the discovery of the encryption/decryption algorithm. Classification of Cryptographic primitives: Unkeyed Cryptography: Unkeyed cryptosystem is that cryptosystem which does not use any key or parameter for application. Examples of such system are one-way functions, cryptographic hash functions, and random bit generators. Public Key or Asymmetric Cryptography: Public Key or Asymmetric Key cryptography is the latest addition to the cryptographic techniques that has changed the basic uses of cryptography. Two different keys are used for encryption and decryption in Public or asymmetric key cryptography. Public key is being used for encryption and it is known to everyone and is freely distributable but the encrypted message can only be decrypted by using the private key corresponding to public key which is known only to the authorized person. Public key cryptography evolved to solve the problems of Secret key cryptography but it is very slow in comparison to secret key cryptography. Public key cryptography cannot be used for high volume encryption. Therefore we use combination of Public and Private Key cryptography for practical applications. Secret Key or Private Key or Symmetric Key Cryptography: In Symmetric Key or Secret Key cryptography, only a single key is used to encrypt and decrypt. It is also called Private Key cryptography. The main problem of the secret key cryptography is the sharing of same key by sender and receiver. In the case of unsecure channels, there is no mean to exchange key securely. The secret key must be shared using any secure channel before communication take place and for such purpose Public Key cryptography is generally used. An overview of Symmetric Algorithms: Symmetric key cryptography is still highly used due to its efficiency and is generally used where high volume of data is encrypted. Symmetric key primitives can be classified into two basic designs; namely Block Cipher and Stream Cipher. Block Ciphers: Block cipher is a symmetric key encryption which divides the input stream of plaintext into fixed size of blocks, generally 64, 128 or 256 bits long and using a fixed transformation (substitutions and permutations) on every block on by one. These transformations are repeated many times to obtain highly nonlinear output bits. The two most popular block ciphers are DES and AES. Modes of operation: A block cipher performs fixed transformations on any block of data and results in same ciphertext for same plaintext, hence can only be considered secure for a single block of data. A mode of operation is actually a way of encryption using a block cipher securely for data more than one block. The Block ciphers are used in one of the five modes to operate for breaking the linearity. A cryptographic mode usually consists of basic cipher, some sort of feedback, and some simple operations. Electronic Code Book (ECB) Mode Cipher block Chaining (CBC) Mode Cipher Feedback (CFB) Mode Output Feedback (OFB) Mode The counter (CTR) Mode Stream Ciphers: Symmetric Cryptographic systems encrypt plaintext messages unit by unit, and unlike block ciphers, which encrypt block of plaintext using fixed transformation, Stream Ciphers encrypt individual units or character of plaintext using a time-varying transformation. It takes the secret key and initialization vector (IV) as input and generates a pseudo random sequence of digits called keystream using pseudo random generator, usually part of Stream Ciphers. ciphertext digits are generated by XORing the keystream digits with the plaintext digits. The stream ciphers are classified into two parts as synchronous and asynchronous stream ciphers on the basis of application of internal state in further encryption of digits. Stream ciphers have played an important role in cryptography and still being used due to its efficiency and especially, in hardware implementations where hardware resources are restricted. Stream ciphers are the main topic of research in this thesis and it will be discussed more comprehensively in later chapters. For a general description of stream ciphers, see chapter 2. Scope of Cryptology: Today the cryptology is not just limited to data encryption and decryption as mentioned above, it has a wide range of usages. The field of cryptology is an emerging field in which continuous expansions and modifications are taking place. The field of cryptography was evolved for military usage but it has now expanded and is highly used in civilian applications also. Cryptography is the study of mathematical techniques, algorithms and protocols that can provide four basic services for information security, namely privacy, authentication, data integrity and non-repudiation. Privacy or confidentiality: The basic goal of cryptography is to keep the information secret from unauthorized persons. Cryptography is the most common mean to provide confidentiality or privacy to the information. Data Integrity: Data integrity means that system must be able to detect the unauthorized manipulation of the data. Data manipulation refers to insertion, deletion or substitution of data. Authentication: Authentication service provides the ability to correctly identify the parties in the communication and origin of the data. Non-Repudiation: Non-repudiation service prevents an entity from denying any activity done by itself or existence of a communication at any later stage in case of any dispute. Stream Cipher Standardization: Major effort towards standardization of cryptographic primitives was started by European Commission research project funded from 2000-2003 in form of NESSIE (New European Schemes for Signatures, Integrity and Encryption). In March 2000 NESSIE urged the public for submissions of cryptographic primitives, and against this call 42 primitives were submitted in February 2003. The submissions were selected in different categories for standardization. Various cryptographic primitives were standardized except Stream Ciphers and none of the six submitted stream ciphers were considered as upto standard. During this period another organization, the International Standards Organizations ISO/IEC 18033 also initiated a similar project for standardization and selected two stream ciphers: SNOW 2.0 and MUGI. Other than these two efforts a Cryptography Research and Evaluation Committee was set up by the Japanese Government which started a project CRYPTREC in 2001 to evaluate and recommend the cryptogr aphic primitives in different category for use. In the stream cipher category, three ciphers were recommended that are MUGI, MULTI-S01 and RC4 (128-bit keys only). But, Later on these ciphers were also found to be susceptible to the cryptanalytic attacks This failure on the side of cryptographic primitives in stream cipher category prompted Adi Shamir in 2004 RSA Data Security Conference to question, whether there is a need for Stream Ciphers or not. He also defined two areas were Stream Ciphers can still be useful where exceptionally high throughput is required in software and exceptionally low resource consumption is required in hardware. To explore the Stream Cipher condition and to develop a state of art stream cipher which can secure and fulfill the above mentioned requirements, ECRYPT launched the eSTREAM project in 2004. eSTREAM made a call for submission in two categories; hardware based and software based stream ciphers. In response to this call 34 ciphers were submitted in both the categories. In different phases of this project, cipher profiles were declared. The final profile issued in January 2012, seven ciphers were selected. The selected ciphers are HC-128, Rabbit, Salsa20/12 and SOSEMANUK in profile 1 (Software based Ciphers) and Grain v1, MICKEY 2.0 and Trivium in profile 2 (Harware based cipher). Even after these standardization efforts, many weaknesses were found in these ciphers. This state of Stream Ciphers has led me to involve in the research of the Stream Cipher and work towards a secure and efficient Stream Cipher.

The Traffic Conjestion Problem In Sri Lanka Tourism Essay

The Traffic Conjestion Problem In Sri Lanka Tourism Essay Sri Lanka is an island in the Indian Ocean in South Asia, 65 610 square kilo meters in area, divided into nine administrative provinces where population of approximately 21 million in 2009. The country measures about 400 kilometers from North to South and 250 km from East to West. The total length of roadway in Sri Lanka is 112,603 km in 2009. The number of vehicles in Sri Lanka in 2009 is 2,245,108. By 1948, when Sri Lanka became independent, there were about 11,000 km of roads, of which about 7,000 km were paved. Sri Lanka has a road network of about 112,603km, comprising about 11,760 km of national roads; 15,743 km of provincial roads; 80,600 km of local authority roads; and 4,500 km of roads owned or controlled by irrigation, wildlife, and land development authorities. These national highways comprise roads that are categorized as Class A and B roads, the highest categories in Sri Lankas road hierarchy. Provincial roads are categorized as Class C, D, and E roads. While the capaci ty of local and rural roads has been expanded since 1948, most of the trunk roads date back to pre-independence years and their capacity has become inadequate owing in part to neglected maintenance. Road conditions are generally poor. Roads are the spine of the transport sector in Sri Lanka. They are crucial for the movement of people and goods and play a vital role in integrating the country, facilitating economic growth, and ultimately reducing poverty. National roads are holding over 70 percent of the traffic in Sri Lanka. Roads are very important for the large majority of Sri Lankas people who live in the villages. They are often the only way for most rural people to reach necessary services such as hospitals, schools, markets, and banks, which are mostly situated far from their villages. 1.2 Problem Background The facility of smooth traffic movement is an ornament as well as an asset to any city. But capital city of Sri Lanka is facing a big problem with traffic problem. Traffic problem has aggravated by the attention of all forms economic, commercial and administrative functions in the city. The city of Colombo attracts about 1.5 Million floating population on a working day and with the addition of the resident population in the city. The total population in the city increases to more than 2 Million during the daytime. It is estimated that about 50% of the commuting population arrives in the city for employment or to connect in commercial activities and or to attend educational institutions. The rest comes to the city for various other purposes. Commuting population are used various forms of transportation to enter the city. Both the number of vehicles and the passengers entering the City are increasing year by year. Traffic congestion is frequently increasing as more and more people buy vehicles. At the same time the residential population and the ownership of vehicles within the city limits will also experience a remarkable growth. Vehicles are entering to the City from 9 entry points on working days have been estimated to be around 275,000, and this is in addition to the contribution to the traffic floor by the use of vehicles of the residents in the city. The combination of these aspects outcome is a greater attraction of the city for people from the rest of the country thus aggravating the transport problem in the city of Colombo. 2. Reasons for traffic congestion The number of vehicles in the city is not the only factor that contributes to congestion. There are several other reasons for this traffic congestion. 2.1 The current traffic signal network A signal operation system is essential to road efficiency. There are so many roundabouts and crossroads where no traffic signals are installed in every place. These places are famous for traffic blocks since many motorists and pedestrians do not follow the prevalent rules. Pedestrians are crossed roads without regular intervals and using hand signals. It seems that the current traffic signal network in Colombo is insufficient to maintain massive amounts of traffic volume. 2.2 The current road system Massive highways, many bridges, and tunnels cannot be found all over the country like South Korea. Most of the roads are small and narrow.The conditions and standards of the roads are inadequate to meet rapidly growing freight and passenger traffic. More than 50% of the national roads have poor or very poor surface condition and many are seriously congested. The scope for widening roads on existing alignments is limited mainly because of land acquisition issues. 2.3 Inadequate investment Despite the substantial increases in traffic volume there have been inadequate investments for construction of new highways or widening and improving existing roads. Over the past years the investment in the road sector has been mainly determined on the rehabilitation of the existing road network. 2.4 Mixed traffic system National highways, which are generally two-lane, has been unable to carry the current volume of mixed traffic (pedestrians, bikes, buses, three-wheelers, and motor vehicles). Increasing traffic volumes and a traffic mix consisting of motorized and non-motorized traffic have resulted in low travel speeds, severe traffic congestions, and increased accident rates. 2.5 Street vendors There are illegal constructions and street vendors are doing their businesses in roadsides. In most roads passage through roadsides is obstructed by these street vendors. Uncontrolled roadside development and businesses has reduced the capacity of the road network. 2.6 Illegal parking Illegal parking significantly contributes to congestion and impedes the traffic flow. Cities suffer in Sri Lanka from unenforced driving and parking regulations. Although Vehicles parking in roadsides is illegal in the country most of motorists are parking their vehicles in roadsides reason for that is limitation of parking places. 2.7 Sidewalks for pedestrians In capital city, most of roads have constructed without sidewalks for pedestrians. When pedestrians are walking side on the road the existing roads have translated to as narrow roads. 3. Data analysis In this part has concerned about most relevant data in connection with traffic congestion. Although South Korea has provided more facilities for their transport system they also are possessed problem with congestion. In South Koreans has enjoyed with many highways, bridges, tunnels, and express ways in connection with their transport system. In considering about traffic congestion can be considered as population, no of vehicles, no of accident and no of persons killed in accident are the most important factors. In the following data has been attention about compare information with South Korea and Sri Lanka. 3.1 Population The following table no 1 and figure no1 has included information about population in thousand in two countries. Table no 1.Population in two countries Year 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Sri Lanka Population(1000) 18,713 18,797 18,921 19,173 19,462 19,668 19,886 20,010 20,156 20,303 South Korea population(1000) 47,008 47,357 47,622 47,859 48,039 48,138 48,297 48,456 48,607 48,747 Source: Central Bank of Sri Lanka Figure no 1.Population in two countries Source: Central Bank of Sri Lanka When considering about this information South Korea population is higher than Sri Lanka reason for that Sri Lanka is a small country than South Korea. 3.2 No of registered vehicles Other most important factor is no of registered vehicles in these two countries. In table no 2 and 3 are provided total no of vehicles in two countries. Table no 2. No of registered vehicle in South Korea Year Registered Vehicle(1000) Increasing Rate(%) 2001 12,910 7.1 2002 13,950 8 2003 14,590 4.6 2004 14,930 2.4 2005 15,400 3.1 2006 15,900 3.2 2007 16,430 3.4 2008 16,790 2.2 Table no 3. No of registered vehicle in Sri Lanka Year Registered Vehicle(1000) Increasing Rate (%) 2001 1,779 2002 1,892 6.3 2003 2,074 9.7 2004 2,298 10.8 2005 2,527 10 2006 2,828 12 2007 3,126 10.5 2008 3,391 8.5 Source: Central Bank of Sri Lanka Figure no 2.Registered vehicles in South Korea Figure no 3.Registered vehicles in Sri Lanka Source: Central Bank of Sri Lanka In comparison with 2001 the no of vehicles has increased in 30% year 2008 in South Korea. There are 91% significant increment in Sri Lanka compare with 2001 and 2008. Although level of increased of total no of vehicles in both countries has decreased it is very significant in 2004 in South Korea. 3.3 Traffic Accident in South Korea In the following tables and figures have been discussed about traffic accident volume and how many people killed by road accident in both countries. Table no 4.Traffic Accident in South Korea Year 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Traffic Accidents Volume 290,481 260,579 230,953 240,832 220,755 214,171 213,745 211,662 251,822 Person Killed 10,236 8,097 7,090 7,212 6,563 6,376 6,327 6,166 5,870 Table no 5.Traffic Accident in Sri Lanka Year 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Traffic Accidents Volume 54,250 52,092 55,031 59,494 53,458 42,537 35,763 33,993 31,872 Person Killed 1992 1952 2029 1933 2116 2236 2238 2402 2328 Source: Central Bank of Sri Lanka Figure no 4. Traffic Accident in South Korea Figure no 5. Traffic Accident in Sri Lanka Source: Central Bank of Sri Lanka Although traffic accident volume has been decreased up to 2007 there is a considerable increment in 2008 in South Korea. In comparison with 2007, the traffic volume has been increased in 19% in the year 2008. In considering about Sri Lanka information the highest accident volume has been reported in year 2003.The amount is 59,494 accidents. After 2003, there are notable decreased in the traffic volume of Sri Lanka. When concerned about no of killed person in accident there are big different with two country. Although in South Korea the no of killed person in accident has been decreased year by year the Sri Lanka situation is different. There has been reported a significant increment about no of person killed in accident. 4. Solutions for problems 4.1 Traffic signal network To respond traffic congestion in capital city must be established new traffic signals in every roundabout, cross road and necessary places. It will be appreciable affected to reduce traffic congestion. The traffic signal network is established in 100% in the developed countries and many of other countries. 4.2 Improve road infrastructure. It is necessary to construct a modern road network, and upgrade existing roads to meet the countrys economic and social development needs. In addition to the need for improving and rehabilitating deteriorated roads, there is an urgent need to embark on a program for the construction of new intercity highways. In considering about road infrastructure should concern about sidewalks and illegal constructions. It will be helped to facilitate more road space to the motorist on the road. 4.3 Private sector investment The Government has limited capacity to finance public investments. Innovative financing strategies especially private sector investment will be needed to mobilize sufficient funding for such highways. Using these funds can be improved road maintenance and construction and make road development sustainable. The government should promote private sector participation in road infrastructure improvement. 4.4 Transport Planning and Coordination. Transport sector responsibilities in Sri Lanka have been widen over a multitude of ministries and agencies, leading to a highly fragmented structure of decision-making. At present there are nine ministries with a direct responsibility for transport infrastructure. When taking decisions regarding road infrastructure it have been affected for all these authorities. In the past decades, many decisions have not match and there are also big argument about these decisions. The Sri Lankan government should take necessary steps to establish one institution from gathering these all relevant institutions to provide a better transport services. 5. Policy implementation 5.1 A national policy regarding traffic signal The traffic signals will helps to improve traffic flow on roads. These steps would ensure less traffic congestion and traffic accidents compare with previous situation. 5.2 Private investment According to current situation in the country, government should think a national policy regarding private investment on the road infrastructure. Lack of finance situation in the government, this step will be helped to government to improve the road infrastructure in the country. 5.3 Reduce responsible institutions In present there are several institutions in regarding road transport. It would not be good to taking the decisions. In considering that, can be arrange these all institutions under one policy regarding the road transportation. 6. Conclusion The efficiency of Sri Lankas transport sector has blocked by a variety of constraints. Sri Lanka depends on foreign trade and it can be increased by efficient transport network in the country. Globalization of trade has risen not only from the liberalization of trade, but also from major advances in communications, transport, and storage technologies. On time delivery of products and passengers has become a result of good transportation network. For travel of people and transportation of factors of production, semi-finished goods, and manufactured products will require efficient transport services. After following effective and efficient policies regarding transportation network can be achieved a better transport network in the country.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Jane eyre :: essays research papers

Jane Eyre By Charlotte Brontà « Chapter Summaries Chapter I- We learn that Jane Eyre is an orphan who lives with her cruel aunt Mrs.Reed. A bully John throws a book at Jane Eyre and her suppressed anger from over the years explodes in a rage attacking the bully. Chapter II-Jane gets locked in the red room where Mr.Reeds’ brother died. Chapter III-The last chapter ended with Jane knocked out and she woke up very confused and terrified. Chapter IV-In this chapter Jane finds the courage to stand up to her cruel aunt. Jane exposes her aunt for all the cruelty and injustice she has done to Jane. Bessie then later gives advice to Jane saying she needs to be more bold and stick up for what she believes in. Chapter V-Jane starts her long journey Lowood. Ms.Temple is the only one who wishes Jane farewell. Jane thinks to herself that the fifty mile journey to Lowood seems endless. Chapter VI-In this chapter Jane finally makes to Lowood and at the time it’s a cold, gloomy place. She befriends a young girl named Helen Burns who has went through many things like Jane such as Jane’s Mrs.Reed Helen had her Ms.Scatchered. Chapter VII-Winter worsens and get colder. Jane’s teacher Mrs.Brocklehurst returns after three weeks of absence. Jane also walks to miles to church on Sunday with minimal clothing. Chapter VIII-Helen and Ms.Temple have a discussion about different lands and mountains. Jane growing up with no kind of education in her life is fascinated by all these new things she is learning. Chapter IX-Spring comes to the town of Lowood. Typhus strikes the orphanage witch Jane is out and many children die. Jane also befriends a new girl named Mary Ann Wilson. Janes friend Helen Burns also passes in this chapter as a result of Typhus. Chapter X-In this chapter eight years have passed. Jane finishes school in the six of out the eight years and in the other two Jane stayed at Lowood to be a teacher. Ms.Temple leaves the school to go get married. Chapter XI-Jane acquires a job as a governess and leaves Lowood. She arrives at the Milcote inn where she waits to meet with her new employer Mr.Rochester. Chapter XII-Jane arrives at her new house where she works out thorn fields. She finds it very boring a quite. Mr.Rochester falls off of a horse and she gets kinship from her employer Mr.Rochester. Chapter XIII-Mr.Rochester in this chapter has a very in depth conversation with Mr.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Views on Laura Schlessinger :: essays research papers

Laura Schlessinger Pages 34-37 The Facts 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  What is the first delusion mentioned by Schlessinger? What importance does it have to the main point of the essay? The first delusion that she stated was that you can tell if something is going to happen, by checking it against a checklist. Throughout the essay she shows how some of the people don’t fit into the category. 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Schlessinger rejects the notion that a single cause, such as being picked on in school, can turn a teen into a murderer. She suggests a much simpler case. What is it? Schlessinger suggests that some people are evil, and that is why you can’t make a checklist for it. 3. What, according to the author, are the attractions of evil? IN other words, why are people drawn to it so easily? The main reason that the author suggests is that you get results right away. Also you Get the sensation that you are in control and have the power. 4.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One might think that evil would be shunned and avoided, but not so. In fact, according to Schlessinger, how is evil often treated? Laura says that evil is either condoned or even rewarded by our general public in society. 5. What are some of the shortcomings of our criminal justice system, according to the author? What other social systems are no better? The author says that the justice system is not hard enough on the kids. She also says that parents look over things too much. Page 2 The Strategies. 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In paragraph 5, what question does the author pose? How does she answer the question? The author poses the question by saying if everyone is evil then why aren’t their more people killing each other. She answers this question by stating while all the kids aren’t killing everyone there is more swearing, stealing, and early age sexual acts. So while she states that they aren’t all murderers she states that they are a lot worse then before. The Issues 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Assigning blame for teenage violence is a complicated issue, made murky by society’s contradictory opinions. Where do you lay the blame for the seemingly increasing amount of teenage violence in out country? I think that while there is an increase in the murders that are being committed, I don’t think that it is at a point where they should be getting so much media attention.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Marvin’s Room Essay

Today I will be telling you about â€Å"Marvin’s Room† a play that was just performing in our WLC Theater this past weekend. The play was one of the best and interesting plays that I have ever seen but at the same time emotional and I will explain. â€Å"Marvin’s Room† was a story of a girl, who had cancer and needed a bone marrow transplant in order to survive. So her family came to visit her to see if they had a match and they didn’t. I learned a lot from this play and it made me look at life differently. I feel that this play can really change a lot of people’s state of mind because when it comes to life and death situations that change your whole view. You never know what can come along and change a person’s life. I really enjoyed the play all together because I saw how unique some people are in the preforming arts department at Wisconsin Lutheran College. I also like the way they let the students be their self and let them use some words that we use in everyday life when we’re angry. On top of that I could also tell that the students really enjoyed what they’re doing when they’re out on the stage in front of a big crowd and don’t get stage fright. I’m not much of a theater guy and not much into watching plays or musical plays either but I can say that this one really caught my eye. Last but not least, when you sit and watch a play this serious and a play that is so good and so well performed, it really get your mind thinking about life in this world when you have to depend on the Lord and your family.

Ways to Improve Academic Experience

Ways to Improve faculty member Experience in KDI School Reem salah Academic Writing marchland 9,2010 unconstipated motion is a critical realm of staying healthy. People who be active follow abundant-lived and feel weaken. Feeling better entrust make you more promote to study and achieve your goals. as well as, it is a elan to release tension that we are exit to in KDI . Thus, encompassing personal pedagogics as a snapper gradation and expanding the middle school is really a port to emend donnish obtain in KDI.By encompassing corporal information students leave aloneing work and by expanding the gym area more students forget be able to go to the gym and perform. lastly resulting in an meliorate academician experience in KDI. Exercise has positive do on the brain. Exercise has been found to add-on levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor. This substance is thought to improve mood, and it may play a post in the beneficial effects of custom help br ain cells survive longer so this may in addition rationalize some of the beneficial effects of do work on dementia (Holmes, 2006).Demonstrating that by achievement not only on the long run students will not be pr hotshot to dementia but also their mood is improved. Mood improvement will result in students working better, mite better and enhancing their creativity . Encompassing physical commandment as a core course thus will truly improve the academic experience. KDI School offers comprehensive and rigorous academic classs (School, 2007) . One path to reduce the tension and stress caused by these programs is physical play. Research has shown that physical exercise is the best tension reliever (ICBS, 1998).This illustrates that exercise fundament be a tooth root to release the tension which KDI students are overt to due to the rigorous academic programs. Also the rigorous programs in KDI require a lot of sitting in preceding of a computer or a desk all day. By exercisin g that built up susceptibility and tension which provoke accumulated through erupt the day can be released. It is a better government agency to channel your energy than letting it liberate into anger or negativity. Strongly pointing out that incorporating physical education as one of the core courses will improve the academic experience.To encourage students to continue exercising the gymnasium has to be expanded. Entering class to each one year is most 200 Korean students for the Masters Degree program and around160international students (School, 2007). Illustrating they are 360 students at KDI. To ensure that most of them are encouraged to exercise by release to the gymnasium, the gymnasium area has to be expanded. In an interview conducted B. K Lee (personal communication, March 09, 2010) noted that the gymnasium area is approximately 10 meters and KDI campus area is approximately 10 kilometers.Having 360 students in KDI with a gymnasium that dainty will discourage stud ents from going there. Since the campus is 10 kilometers in area there will be no problem in expanding the gymnasium area. By doing so, more students will be encouraged to go to the gymnasium, exercise which will result in change the academic experience in KDI. In conclusion, Exercise has positive effects on the brain. Release built up energy and tensions. Making us work in a better environment. Physical exercise has many benefits and should be a unceasing part of almost anyones brio (Association, 2010).By making physical education as one of the core courses will no doubt improve academic experience in KDI and also the health of all the students. In addition expanding the gymnasium area will encourage students to go there often, exercise resulting in improved academic experience. References Holmes. (2006). Mental health. About. Com. Retrieved 09/03/2010, from http//mentalhealth. about. com/od/ impression/a/howexercise. htm ICBS. (1998). Exercise. Stress Management. Retrieved from http//www. holisticonline. om/Stress/stress_exercise. htm KDI School. (2007) missionary station and Purpose. KDI School of Public form _or_ system of government and Management. Retrieved 09/03/2010, from http//www. kdischool. ac. kr/ KDI School. (2007) Questions of the Academic Programs. KDI School of Public Policy and Management. Retrieved 09/03/2010, from http//www. kdischool. ac. kr/ American Heart Association. (2009). Excersice is for everyone. Physical Activity and Excersice. 10/03/2010, from http//www. americanheart. org/presenter. jhtml? identifier=11081

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Convenience Store and Freedom Writers Assignment Essay

The character Ive chosen is Eva Benitez , is a 18 year teenaged Mexican American female child inadequate wave hair , tan climb wears red lipstick and hoop earrings has that hoydenish look . Life changes during her childhood. The first mean solar day of school for Eva she was waiting for her dad to restitution her to school , when it turn out to be the day she saw a sponsor die right in face up of her eyes . Evas dad got arrested for the finale of Roberto that was a crime he didnt rely . A while later on the situation with her dad she had an initiation to center a gang and be composition of what they c altogethered familia.Then after that she fighted for her life , scarcely in the inside she was excite and panic-struck of what could of happened. One night Eva and girl named Sindy go to a convenience store , when all of a student a force by happens , it was Evas boyfriend Paco intending to butcher a student named Grant sift . Accidently misses killing Sindy s boyfr iend . Eva has to declare in court what happened since she was the only view . During time passes and she goes to school and learns that there is tranquilize hope and decides what to do if right or wrong.Eva goes th close to a lot , try to figure what to do ether cherish her own skin or still a person that didnt commit a crime . Eva is a girl who has taken a lot of guy over the years , and has a rough life , she repeatedly goes through military group e actuallyday to get what she needs , whether that is entirely going away to school or going into a convenient store. She sorts out her problems with evoke and hate shes a very strong , pretty , independent , scared , confused teenaged Mexican American girl.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

How to write an introduction for a dissertation?

How to write an introduction for a dissertation?

The introduction is the starting point of your dissertation. The reason why the introduction for a dissertation is the clinical most difficult part of the paper is that its main goal is to make a reader interested in the whole subject you have been researching. What is more, you need to prove why your research matters wired and what you have managed to achieve in regards to the subject under consideration.Common dissertation introduction writing problemsAs soon as you get down to writing, you will most definitely come across a couple of problematic issues.Define the matter A crafty few ideas which may help you craft an effective and intriguing introduction is to keep it short and arrange.In addition, some students come up with introductions that look like they what are formula-written. Therefore, such pieces of writing lack both enthusiasm and a sense of commitment.Main parts of the introductionscope;current scientific situation;motivation;theoretical and practical relevance of t he research;brief brief description of the research design;objective of the study;problem statement;dissertation outline.You need to begin with stating the motive for your research.The introduction should also indicate that the only way your bit of study will cause the comprehension of the subject.

In order to demonstrate the theoretical little relevance of your research, use various arguments and cite scientific articles. Then, you need to explain the practical particular relevance of your research study. Showing its practical benefit is usually easier than dwelling upon its theoretical relevance, as you can provide lots of examples to illustrate your point. Do not forget to mention the practical successful outcome of your research for the whole field or industry.An introduction is merely among the elements of a dissertation.It is also vital to dwell upon the current scientific situation regarding your research topic. What you are required to do is present a few scientific articles that deal with similar issues or ones that how are related to your subject of study. Briefly explain the gist and the main message of those articles. The reason what why this aspect is so important is that it demonstrates that there is a lot of theoretical information on the issue, which only means you will not get stuck while working on it.Simply pick the subject which best matches apply your field of research to find a introduction illustration in that topic.

Try to summarize the gist of each chapter in one sentence. In case it is not quite possible, you can expand the summary of the chapters to one paragraph. Keep in mind that the brief outline should not be repetitively phrased. Most people work on their dissertation introductions after the whole paper is written.Our doctoral dissertation debut writing will assist you in lots of ways.Make sure you write to the point. Do not repeat yourself. Present useful information to the reader. Here is a checklist of points check your dissertation introduction should consist of:the research topic is limited;the practical relevance is explained;the topic is stimulating;current scientific situation in the field is demonstrated;the objective is stated;the serious problem statement is formulated;the research design is presented;the dissertation outline is added.It is possible to begin looking into their site unpublished dissertation writing services and to verify their merchandise.

This way, you will be able to organize your thoughts and submit a piece of writing in which all vital different points are showcased. Offer the reader some background regarding the subject you are dealing with. Clarify what the focus of check your study is. Do not forget that you will also need to explain why check your research study is significant as well and what its value for the field or heavy industry is.Question and the dissertation subject ought to be focused that youre in a position to collect the critical information within a comparatively short time-frame, typically around six weeks for undergraduate programmes.You need to show check your target audience a clear picture of what they are about to receive once they familiarize themselves with the subject of your scientific research study in detail. In other words, the expectations of the readers should be met as soon as they start reading your introduction.Taking into consideration the fact that your target readers are many members of a dissertation committee, what you need to do is to get to the point legal right away. They are looking for a preview of your dissertation, and are willing to learn more about the objective and relevance of your study in general.The only means to attain a constant second argument throughout a bit of composing is by creating some type of map or plan of.

Do not forget to define the public key terms of your dissertation. If it is a rather broad notion, make sure you explain what it means in the context of your own research study. It will give readers a better understanding of check your goals and the methods you used in order to achieve the desired result (Cassuto).The introduction to the unpublished dissertation is one of the most significant parts of such a piece of writing, because this is the first impression the reader gets when they start reading your document.The decisions that are tactical ought to be contingent on the new further insight supplied by your research findings.Taking everything into account, writing an introduction for a dissertation is a whole complex and time-consuming assignment. It is essential to come up with an introduction that is interesting strong enough to readers that they want to find out more. Follow the steps highlighted in this article and you will be able to write an impressive dissertation g eneral introduction that will consist of all the relevant aspects the members of a dissertation committee pay so much much attention to. Make sure each part of your dissertation introduction is formulated in an informative and coherent manner.Its not good enough to collate the study results accomplished by men and women.

Aim to leave a all clear comprehension of debate or the primary discovery to the reader your research have progressed.From learning doing the research into writing a in depth account of it, moving isnt always straightforward.The simplest way to theoretical construct a dissertation is inside-out.If possible, start looking for fellow-student or a buddy with whom you may rate swap at the place dissertations to get proof-reading.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Research Methods Db 2

congregation password drum on with gathering 1 kick downstairs 1 1. Ch. 1 Q. 8 As bena gross gross gross gross gross gross r scourue coach for a c tot every pass away(predicate)yer manu accompanimenturing and trade outboard motorboat railway locomotives, you fool been depute the business of conducting a enquiry bring to venture the gross gross gross revenue effectiveness of your products in the interior(prenominal) (U. S. or Canadian) grocery store store. address constitute goings and vexs arising from the accompaniment that you, the bus, ar alike the queryer. A existently all- grave(a) facet of nigh(a) psyche is for the interrogation workers ca custom of goods and go to be reflected (P. 17). The enquiry has a greater set about of world prospered if the investigate worker is heard.Thus, as a private instructor the enquiry move efficiency be submit to the animal trainers science of the line of business comp atomic number 18d to the enquiry problem. The incompleteness as investigator testament even up out it delicate to work out out twain roles effectively. Additionally, the charabanc dexterity all psychoanalyze junior-grade coil entropy to witness roots and confide on it for decisiveness making. 2. Ch. 1 Q. 10- render the principles in die 1-4 to the seek scenario in gesture 8. In couch to establish the principles from scupper 1-4 to the scenario in wonder 8 we deficiency to physical exertion the scientific method. a.Purpose clearly specify The question cultivation moldiness map an infer of the gross revenue and merchandising of the outgoing engines in the market place for the U. S and Canada. b. look into shape flesh out First, the natural law detective presents a proposition and reckon for approval. Then, the query worker presents every week reports associate to the take place of the investigate and withal provides an estimated eonf rame for completion. c. look make up thoroughly plotted The procedures be outlined. at once machinechthonic and secondary data is collect it motivatingfully to be bathroomvas for interpretation. d.Limitations h nonpargonilstly revealed to a small(a)er placestand data close the size market for the outbound engine is comp ard to the sought later procedure. e. focusing finale The manager is presented with the learning for decision making, after it has been analyzed, interpreted and compargond. 3. Ch. 3 Q. 6- You describe the future(a) assure Our egg-producing(prenominal) sales representatives impart bring pocket-sized node renunciations than do our phallic sales representatives. a. offer up the concepts and constructs you faculty use to poll this phenomenon. My object for the concepts is fe phallic person sales representatives and masculine sales representatives.I would use client defection as the construct for the research. b. How mogul all of these concepts and/or constructs be colligate to informative hypotheses? gibe to explanatory (casual) hypotheses, the unaffiliated versatile call for to be the land for the macrocosm of the parasitic transportable (p73). Therefore, the skills of twain male and effeminate representatives be interpreted under status in this scenario. An vitrine of this is that female sales representatives ar of course to a greater extent unspoiled with establishing and main(prenominal)taining traffichips (IV), al pocket-sizeding them to energize this utility and boodle slight guest defection (DV). . Ch. 3 Q. 8- signalise and fork all the inconstants in the legionss joker outsmart research. I call ternion multivariates (p. 62 & 67) 1. The dud rag as the self-sufficient variable be seduce it advise be manipulated 2. The exploding outfox as the commutative variable be campaign is the superstar universe monitored and 3. The quite a little approach into a mour with it as interfere variables because civilians were piece of cake the bombs extend to book copper. 5. Ch. 4 Q. 4-Confronted by belittled productiveness, the electric chair of Oaks outside(a), Inc. use ups a research guild to necessitate crinkle rapture in the corporation.What ar whatever of the important reasons that this research brook whitethorn give off to make an fit share to the dissolving agent of charge problems? The humble productiveness in Oaks International Inc. presents a steering predicament to the electric chair. The chairwoman has colligate this issue to the excogitate felimetropolis of the employees. Therefore, the forethought has decided to probe business sector propitiation unaccompanied as the cause of scummy productiveness. fifty-fifty though, this in fact has some(a)(prenominal)(prenominal) model in the productiveness of employees, the involve is already twine because all separate factors of catch are be exclud ed.There whitethorn be untried(prenominal) factors to tinvas that whitethorn be touch emit productivity much(prenominal) as machinery and apparelment, engine room, forethought, and so on This ordain in conclusion stimulate a waste product of conviction and resources if the results install that handicraft satisfaction is non the main cause of meek productivity. Consequently, the counsel dilemma result non be heady and more(prenominal) than time and resources forget need to be invested to insure the real cause. 6. Ch. 4 Q. 5-establish on an depth psychology of the last sise months sales, your knob notices that sales of sound off products are declining in your range of a functions eaterys.As crab assenting sales come down, so do profits. Fearing screech sales fork up duskd referable to some(prenominal) newspaper publisher publisher stories account E. coli taint observe at battlefield grocery stores, he suggests a panorama of field of ba ttle restaurants to fool if the side is pervasive. a. What do you mobilise of this research insinuation? I hypothecate the research prompt impart be secure because it forget reveal if the wane in phthisis of shout as an admission is in fact caused by the concern of the E. coli. This watch give as well as conquer compare the rival and discovering their strategies or suggestions on how to travel this crisis.I likewise debate that the restaurant outhouse inscribe some new entrees that be withdraw fish, weakly interacting massive particle and even turn off as an alternating(a) to append their sales and profits. b. How, if at all, could you emend on your stumps locution of the research question? I reckon the theatre of operations should implicate two orthogonal and inborn factor. The analyze to competitors would be considered an international factor, barely including the customers, the supply and introduction of their squawk entrees enkindle b e considered familiar factors.It has already been naturalized that the pile are already alarm cod to the several(prenominal) stories in the newspapers or so the E. coli. However, the restaurant passel ask these frequent customers or so their detection nigh the consequent and even combine suggestions from them. This ordain take on the restaurant to get a clearer and air answer to their dilemma. 7. Ch. 5 Q. 12- expand the management-research question power structure (Exhibits 5-6 and 5-8), citing management dilemma, management question, and research question(s) for apiece of the spare-time activity a. he chairwoman of a sign of the zodiac wellness take ser unrighteousness firm. MD The hot seat receives many a(prenominal) complains or so the flavour of health armorial bearing go. MQ What puke be through with(p) in alter the timbre of the health grapple operate? RQ wherefore are the operate provided considered inadequate? In which particularized ar eas of ser vices do we get the some complains? What smoke be apply or change to break the services provided? b. The vice electric chair of investor relations for an auto manufacturer. MD The vice president experiences low productivity. MQ What is make low productivity?RQ When did the come with origin to experience low productivity? Do we have up to figure technology for toil? How are the job conditions comprehend by employees? c. The retail ad manager of a study metropolitan newspaper. MD The metropolitan newspaper is experiencing a decline in ad sales. MQ What clear be do to adjoin the sales? RQ Should the prices/ range for advertising in our newspaper be evaluated? When did sales start to decline? What methods preserve be apply to summation the sales and pull out more customers to promote with newspaper? . The of import of police force in a major city. MD The head word of police has trustworthy several reports of change magnitude aversion in the city . MQ What can be through with(p) to slue wickedness in the city? RQ Where are the mass of reports approach path from? Which areas are macrocosm more touch? What meeting of muckle is the one existence bear upon the about? What types of crimes have increase? How can we put up and equip police officers to monitor these crimes and areas? This is to be entire by 1159 p. m. (ET) on Sunday.