Sunday, May 24, 2020

There is no doubt that Pairs is an extremely important and...

There is no doubt that Pairs is an extremely important and influential city. Its rich history, beautiful architecture, legendary art museums and world-renowned food combine together to create a lovely place to live in and visit. However, many people do not know about the history of fashion in Paris. Sure, most have heard of famous designers like Chanel or Dior, but cannot say that they know about the history behind those household names. The founders of each company all have an incredible story to tell filled with inspiring tales of harnessing God given talents to rise to the top of the fashion world. One of the most well-known and respected high fashion brands of all time is Chanel. Today, it is worth billions of dollars, but that was†¦show more content†¦It was while she was with him that she began designing hats, first as a hobby, then as a legitimate business. Balsan spoiled Chanel until 1908, when she began her second affair with one of his friends, Captain Arthur Edwa rd ‘Boy’ Capel, a member of the elite English upper class. Their affair lasted nine years, through his marriage to an English aristocrat, but ultimately ended in 1919 when he died in a car accident. Chanel continued to design hats, and by 1910 she was a licensed milliner and had a boutique at 21 rue Cambon in Paris. He was the one to send her to Paris and finance her first shop. By 1912, her hats were beginning to become famous, and Chanel’s business was getting more and more profitable. Before his death, Capel financed another boutique for Chanel. This one, located in the resort town of Deauville, sold luxurious yet casual clothes for leisure and sport made from simple fabrics like jersey that had never been used for women’s clothing before. Today, jersey is one of the most popular fabrics for clothing, regardless of the type of garment or gender of the person its being sold to. Fueled by the success of her Deauville shop, Chanel opened another boutique in 1915 in a town on the Cà ´te Basque called Biarritz. Biarritz’s location was key to her success because it remained neutral through World War I. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Relationship Between Civil Rights Movement Feminist Agenda Free Essays

In this Essay I will examine relationship between Civil Rights Movement and how the feminist agenda of second wave feminism. Furthermore, I will explain how women shaped the Civil Rights Movement, and also how they redefined their own feminism because of the ways in which they interacted with the movement. In 1952, the separate but equal laws were once again challenged in the case of Brown vs. We will write a custom essay sample on Relationship Between Civil Rights Movement Feminist Agenda or any similar topic only for you Order Now the Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas. The case was based on the segregation of educational facilities. The NAACP changed their focus from integrating higher educational facilities to integrated grade schools. After the change, the NAACP stepped in on this case and argued that segregated educational facilities were unequal, degrading to black students, and violated the fourteenth amendment’s guarantee for equal protection. On May 17, 1954, the Supreme Court ruled that segregated schools were inherently unequal and did violate the fourteenth amendment. The decision of Plessy vs. Ferguson had finally been overturned and public schools were to be integrated. Brown vs. the Board of Education was a victory for the blacks, however southern whites reacted to the court’s decision with extreme racism. There were two major reasons for the civil rights movement one was Impact of WWII and Brown vs. Board of Education. Females played great role in Civil rights movement. One sit-in involved Anne Moody the author of Coming of Age in Mississippi. During this sit-in, whites at the lunch counter attacked Anne Moody and other activist, but they didn’t give up until they were escorted out by the police. This is what happened on the evening of December l, 1955: Parks took the bus because she was feeling particularly tired after a long day at work. She was sitting in the middle section, glad to be off her feet at last, when a white man boarded the bus and demanded that her row be cleared because the white section was full. The others in the row obediently moved to the back of the bus, but Parks just didn’t feel like standing for the rest of the journey, and she quietly refused to move. At this, the white bus driver threatened to call the police unless Parks gave her up her seat, but she refused to give up her seat and bus driver called the police and they arrested her. So this respectable, middle-aged woman was taken to the police station, where she was fingerprinted and jailed. She was allowed to make one phone call. She called a NAACP lawyer, who arranged for her to be released on bail. Word of Parks’s arrest spread quickly, and the Women’s Political Council decided to protest her treatment by organizing a boycott of the buses. Women designed bus boycott. Jo Ann Robinson who was College Professor who talked to her friend who was attorney to help Mrs. Parks and also he helped to spread the news of bus boycott. The boycott was set for December 5, the day of Parks’s trial, but Martin Luther King, Jr. nd other prominent members of Montgomery’s black community realized that here was a chance to take a firm stand on segregation. As a result, the Montgomery Improvement Association was formed to organize a boycott that would continue until the bus segregation laws were changed. Leaflets were distributed telling people not to ride the buses, and other forms of transport were laid on. The boycott lasted 382 days, causing the Bus Company to lose a vast amount of money. Everyone played and tried their best to keep up with the boycott. They walked to work etc. One day this old lady who looked very tired and this white men saw her and offered her to ride in his car, she responded â€Å"my feets is tired, but my soul is rested† Meanwhile, Parks was fined for failing to obey a city ordinance, but on the advice of her lawyers she refused to pay the fine so that they could challenge the segregation law in court. The following year, the U. S. Supreme Court ruled the Montgomery segregation law illegal, and the boycott was at last called off. Yet Parks had started far more than a bus boycott. Other cities followed Montgomery’s example and were protesting their segregation laws. Also they did other acts such as The March on Washington, Martin Luther King’s speech. Mean reason they had many organiztion which were orgainized very well such as NAACP, SNCC, and also their success was because Non violent direct confrontation. They knew the consequences breaking the rules but they desire and wants were much more stronger. Second wave of feminism they want a right too This protest begin in 1950 and died in 1984. They want to have equal pay, higher education, and want to end the discrimination. Second Wave feminism had two branches, Liberal Feminists and Radical Feminists also Working class women played great role too. Liberal Feminist’s objectives were for equality within the existing social structure and also equality with men. However, Radical Feminists objectives were to breakdown of the system of power that sustains mail advantage in every sphere of life, including economics, politics, the family, religion, law, education, science, and medicine, as well as in the interactions of everyday life. Also Radical women are not defined as white, middle class agenda rather social class and ethnicity/race define the issues facing women also. The relationship between the Civil Rights Movement and the feminist agenda of Second wave feminism those women played great role in both. They both of these want to have equal rights, at work, school, and also end the discrimination. Civil Rights Movement and Second Wave of Feminism struggled greatly but they had great success. In conclusion, I would say that Civil Rights Movement and Second Wave of Feminism struggled a lot but after all it was worth it. They had many similarities and women played great roles organizing meetings and interaction with other women that brought unity and that lead them into success. How to cite Relationship Between Civil Rights Movement Feminist Agenda, Papers

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Drones and Uber Medical Transportations

Question: Discuss about the Drones and Uber for Medical Transportations. Answer: Introduction: The rural sector is that area of the region which is usually not in the focus radar of the Government or Industries. People mainly rely on some small scale business activities like agriculture, horticulture etc. and are not very well educated. The area is cut out from the main city area and hence all the major facilities are far from rural areas. The things become tougher when there is no infrastructure to support the needs of the people. As per the WHO, the most important things that are needed for sustaining a good life is Health and Education. Good health needs good medical facilities and this report is an attempt to analyze that how better Medical deliveries can be ensured in the rural belt with the help of technologies like Drone and companies like Uber. Last Mile Delivery: Last mile delivery is a supply chain concept that is to be brought into practice in case the companies wish to ensure that their products reached the consumers right at their door step. It is a mode to bring the Customer Order Decoupling point closest to the customer. Through the use of technologies like Drone and Uber, basically the task is to bring the medical facilities right at the arm lengths stretch for the rural based customers(GOODMAN, 2010). The concept is to remove all the constraints that are there with the rural sector and make things available for them quickly and effectively. Issues with Rural Sectors: The foremost issue is the lack of road infrastructure that dont allow many logistics set up to work effectively for their need fulfillment. This is a big concern that must be in the top radar in case some thought process or concept building is being designed for the rural sector(Norman, 2014). The second issue is that even if there is a logistics service provider ready to serve the rural belt the time taken to reach there is huge and hence the products dont reach there on time. Which is big concern of worry. The third issue is that rural belt is not self-sufficient to establish their own supply chain system and ensure that things are reaching them on time. They are majorly dependent on external facilities. Lastly, talking specifically about the medical facilities the lack of facilities available in the rural belt makes it difficult that the facilities could be arranged in there. Also latest medicines in the best of the form is usually not available there. Hence overall a need for a through solution is needed. Capabilities of Drones and Uber: Drone is the upcoming technology that is coming in the area of supply chain and fulfillment sector quickly. The capability of drones is that they can be programmed and can be run in an unmanned manner. The computer controlled network optimization process that is backing the drones is making it capable to carry goods from one location to another in a very cost effective and efficient manner and most importantly it is independent of any road infrastructure(Kearney, 2012). Another positive aspect of drones is that they dont fly too high and hence control is easier to maintain. For medical supplies in rural sector, drone is a potent solution. Uber is biggest app based cab service provider and serve people of almost all the major countries throughout the world. Since the mobility benefit that they have and they serve the logistics and commuting requirements of many people daily. They have access to all the locations through their operations and hence are a potent method to enhance the capabilities in the rural belt of the countries. Such potential of Uber is meant to be unleashed and that will form the way for the huge supply chain boom in the rural sector and will enable the rural population to avail the best medical facilities at their vicinity. Limitations: The major limitations are two: Government regulations are becoming stricter for Drone operations and Government overall is not very comfortable in dealing with drones as they are riskier is operations. They are also not very safe when it comes to sensitivity of data and its management and hence it is not seen as a good investment by people(Brar, 2013). Uber is ultimately a Cab service provider and they are doing well in that field effectively. Now for them to change their business is a tough ask for the core operations and hence some reengineering is needed to make this model working. The Next Level Collaborative Work: The nest level thing that is thought about this proposal is the collaborative working between the Drones and Uber. Uber is known as the king of analytics and drone will need some immediate data crunching to ensure the best results. Also, the mix logistics operations between the two will also ensure supreme optimization of resources and that will take this model on the success path. Drones will be quicker way to serve the needs and Uber can provide that support. The tagging of Uber cabs with drones will ensure that the risk of drone mismanagement can be reduced to a great extent and if that thing is achieved then the model will be able to sustain successfully and will be able to deliver some good levels of outputs that are not possible right now. So overall the collaborative operations is the go ahead path for the model. References: Brar, S. (2013). Drones for Deliveries. Berkleys: Berkleys University. GOODMAN, R. W. (2010). Whatever You Call It, Just Dont Think of Last-Mile Logistics, Last. London: KN Portal Publications. Kearney, A. (2012). Digital Supply Chains: Increasingly Critical for Competitive Edge. Paris: WHU. Norman, H. (2014). 2014 Annual Showcase Logictics. New York: Deloitte.